

Main page: tilde.fun

see also: costs of running ~.fun

location purpose software
code.tilde.fun Code hosting Gitea
chat.tilde.fun [matrix] web chat Riot.im
synapse.tilde.fun matrix server (usernames end with :tilde.fun) Synapse
files.tilde.fun One-click temporary file hosting linx
wiki.tilde.fun Knowledge base Dokuwiki
hauk.tilde.fun Location Sharing Hauk
kanboard.tilde.fun Kanban project management Kanboard
port purpose software
22 shell and SSH registration SSH server + python script
80 web server, forwards to :443 nginx
443 TLS-secured web server nginx
64738 voice chat Mumble
file sharing over Direct Connect protocol uhub
location purpose software
mail.crunchweb.eu Mail Server mailcow
baikal.crunchweb.eu Calendar and Contacts baikal
  • Last modified: 2024-07-05 14:31