Duokan custom firmware for Kindle
Download Duokan for the KPW from here. (see the "Kindle Touch and Kindle Paperwhite" entry with the download link 安装包下载) Make sure you know that your kindle model is a KPW (see here for similar packages for older models)
- Connect the Kindle to the PC with the USB cable.
- Unzip the downloaded file to a known location
- Copy the DK_System folder inside the extracted folder to the root folder of your kindle (/mnt/us/)
- Open the "KindlePaperwhite_°²×°·¨" folder and copy the update_kpw_$(cd .. etc ).bin file to the root directory
- Then choose update you kindle (home, menu, settings, menu, Update your kindle)
- Hopefully your kindle will reboot.
- (if the update fails with error 4 do not worry but restart your kindle by pushing the power button for 30 seconds)
- An option to abort is presented (not sure how to stop this)
- The Duokan system is then copied into the root partition of the kindle and Duokan boots with default (Chinese) language.
How to choose your desired language
- Click the home button (bottom left) and then the settings button (bottom right)
- Choose the middle tab at the top of the screen and flick the screen up to page 2/3 (displayed in bottom right corner)
- Click the first drop down box to choose "English"
- Click the home button (bottom right) then the menu button to refresh the menus
return to the kindle operating system
- Click the settings button (bottom right),
- Choose the middle tab and click the "switch" button.
- (Note: the reboot option reboots the kindle back into Duokan not Kindle)
Once installed the best (safest) method for running Duokan 2014 is by using KUAL This simply uses KUAL (Kindle Unified App Launcher) to activate Duokan. It is by far the simplest, safest, and most successful. However, it requires you to jailbreak.
- Install KUAL to your Kindle. (follow the instructions in the forum link)
- You need to install the jailbreak for your Kindle (check the install prerequisites for KUAL).
- You also need to install the shared developer keys to run his kindlet.
- Add KUAL Duokan Launcher to the Kindle's extensions folder.
- From your Kindle's home screen, open KUAL and choose the Duokan menu and then the run Duokan option
Updating Duokan and using the wifi function in Duokan requires registration with Duokan's new owner xiaomi which can be accomplished in the application.
- First set up wifi connection to your wifi hot spot.
- Choose update and you will be asked to register with an xaomi account (in English).