Table of Contents

Mr. Robot


Software used

Software Purpose Episode(s)
american fuzzy lop fuzzing tool
Anyterm remote access to consoles through browsers
Apache Struts MVC framework to develop web applications
Apache Tomcat Java web server
Beta Bot Botnet command and control software S3E9
bluesniff Bluetooth hacking tool
cloacked-pixel Steganography detection tool S3E10
CURL interact with internet sites in the command line
Cygwin Linux tools compiled for Windows S3E2
ELK Stack Monitoring combining Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana S3E5
FlexiSpy phone spying software
htop Linux process monitor
IDA Pro reverse engineering S3E2
iodine tunnel IPv4 through DNS S3E9
Kali Linux Hacking Linux distribution
Kibana Monitoring S3E5
Linux Mint Desktop Linux distribution S3E9
Logstash Log collection tool S3E5
LUKS Linux encryption software S3E10
Meterpreter Metasploit remote exploit shell execution
OpenWRT Linux on routers
osTicket Ticket system S1E8
Outlook Web Access web client for Microsoft Office Exchange/Outlook S3E2
PuTTY shell access client S3E5
PyCharm Python IDE S1E4
PyLyrics Python script to download lyrics S3E10
Pwnix Android distribution for hacking S2E9
radare Reverse Engineering S2E12
rkhunter Rootkit checker S3E2
scp copy files over the network
Social Engineer Toolkit tools for attacks against humans
Shodan Vulnerability Search Engine S3E1
SSH remote shell access
Thunderbird mail program S1E9
TOR Anonymised network S2E7
Ubuntu Kylin Chinese version of Ubuntu Linux S3E9
vim text editor
Volatility Framework memory forensics S3E9
wifite WLAN hacking tool
Wickr phone messaging application with self destroying messages
Xpdf pdf viewer for Linux/Unix S3E10
xxd Hex dump software S3E10

see also:

Hardware used

Name purpose Episode(s)
Blackberry Colby's phone S1E1
Dell Optiplex GX280 desktop PC S1E7
Gigabyte GK-FORCE K7 Stealth Gaming keyboard
HTC One M8 smartphone (used by Gideon) S1E8
MaxiProx 5375 RFID reader (turned into the "Tastic RFID Thief")
MultiBlue Dongle USB Bluetooth V3.0 HiD PC Keyboard and Mouse Switch
Pwn Phone 2014 LG Nexus 5 phone preinstalled with Pwnix
Raspberry Pi single board computer
ROCCAT Savu mouse
Rubber Ducky keyboard input
Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone
USB Keylogger logs keyboard input S3E10



Season 1


Season 2



Season 3





eps3.9_shutdown -r

Season 4






Side characters

Cisco Darlene's boyfriend, name reference to Cisco Networks, American network gear manufacturer
Frank Cody Newscaster, parody of Alex Jones
Leon could be a reference to Leon, the professional
Michael Hansen Krista's ex, used the dating site Ashley Madison, which got hacked in 2015


WARNING: SPOILERS see also: Organizations in the Fandom wiki

E corp also called Evil Corp or F Corp, parody of ex-conglomerate Enron
Steel Mountain Parody of Iron Mountain, data center and backup services

Alternate Reality Game