See also: shit german people say
Airflow | Apache Airflow |
CI | Continuous Improvement, Continuous Integration, Configuration Item (ITIL) |
DC | data center or disconnect |
docs | documentation |
down | something's not running, <> up |
GCP | Google Cloud Platform |
ITIL | IT Infrastructure Library |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
SRE | Site Reliability Engineering |
up | something's running, cf.: uptime |
gg | good game |
gz | congratulations |
wp | well played |
abbr. | meaning | explanation |
btw | by the way | |
ITT | in this thread | |
jfc | just for comparison | |
jk | just kidding | |
me2 | me too | |
#nohomo | not homosexual | this was not meant in a sexual way |
ofc | of course | |
re | returned | I was away and now I'm back |
smh | shaking my head | |
TIL | today, I learned | this is something I learned today or: this is something I just learned) |
ty | thank you | |
tyvm | thank you very much | |
/s | sarcasm indicator | indicates sarcasm, can also be conveyed by 🙃 |
L6S (also: LSS) | Lean Six Sigma |
RPA | Robotic Process Automation |
DMAIC | Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control; a method in L6S |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
SDD | Solution Design Document |
SME | Subject Matter Expert; Small and Medium Enterprises |
PDD | Process Definition Document |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |