siehe auch: GW2 Wiki Abbreviations (EN) / Jargon (DE)
Abk. | English | Deutsch |
AR | Agony Resistance | Qual-Widerstand |
meta | Meta events (map event trains) | Meta-Events (Kartenevent-Abfolgen) |
RIBA | Red, Indigo, Blue, Amber farm in SW | Rot, Indigo, Blau, Bernstein Farming in der SW |
TP | Trading Post | Handelsposten |
train, zerg | large group of players running around | Viele Leute, die in einer Gruppe herumlaufen |
Abk. | English | Deutsch |
AoE | Area of Effect | Flächenzauber |
CC | Crowd Control | Kontrolleffekt |
Abk. | English | Deutsch |
HP | Hero Point | Heldenpunkt |
JP | Jumping Puzzle | Sprungrätsel |
MP | Mastery Point | Beherrschungspunkt |
WP | Waypoint | Wegpunkt |
Abk. | English | Deutsch | Level |
CS | Cursed Shore | ||
DT | Dry Top | ||
FGS | Frostgorge Sound | ||
SW | Silverwastes | Silberwüste | 80 |
Abk. | English | Deutsch |
BC | Black Citadel | Schwarze Zitadelle |
LA | Lion's Arch | Löwenstein |
P1 = Path 1, P2 = Path 2 etc., SM = Story Mode, Full run = all paths, Aether = Aetherpath in TA
Abk. | English | Deutsch | Story Level | Explorable Level |
AC | Ascalonian Catacombs | Katakomben von Ascalon | 30 | 35 |
CoE | Crucible of Eternity | Schmelztiegel der Ewigkeit | 78 | 80 |
Arah | Ruined City of Arah | Die Ruinenstadt Arah | - | 80 |
Fractals/FotM | Fractals of the Mists | Fraktale der Nebel | 80 | - |
CoF | Citadel of Flames | Flammenzitadelle | 70 | 75 |
CM | Caudecus' Manor | Caudecus' Anwesen | 40 | 45 |
HotW DE: ZdW | Honor of the Waves | Zierde der Wogen | 76 | 80 |
SE | Sorrow's Embrace | Umarmung der Betrübnis | 60 | 65 |
TA | Twilight Arbor | Zwielichtgarten | 50 | 55/80 |
Abk. | English | Deutsch |
VB | Verdant Brink | Grasgrüne Schwelle |
AB | Auric Basin | Güldener Talkessel |
DS | Dragon's Stand | Widerstand des Drachen |
TD | Tangled Depths | Verschlungene Tiefen |