Table of Contents


Recommended packages:

pipenv installs packages in a virtual python environment and maintains a Pipfile with all requirements

Requirements / Dependencies



Has to be on the first line of every executable script so the interpreter can be found. Correct Shebang for Python 3 is:

#!/usr/bin/env python3



web frameworks

dos and don'ts

what you should NOT do with Python

cool projects made with Python

learning Python


/usr/bin/env: 'python3\r': No such file or directory

Line endings are in Windows format (CRLF / \r\n) and not Linux/Unix format (LF / \n). Fix this with dos2unix or your text editor's save options.

error: option --single-version-externally-managed not recognized

--single-version-externally-managed is an option used for Python packages instructing the setuptools module to create a Python package which can be easily managed by the host's package manager if needed.

Fedora / CentOS 7+:

dnf in python3-setuptools python3-wheel


pip install -U setuptools wheel