====== blowing the whistle ====== Leaking information to the public, the press or other competent authority. ===== What to do ===== - use encryption - use a different digital identity for every new leak - remove [[metadata|metadata]] - use airgapped devices - if you can't use an airgapped device, use a boot disk - only handle sensitive data inside a separate system you __do not use for daily tasks__ - use public networks or VPNs, change your MAC address ===== further information ===== * In this wiki: * [[privacy|Privacy Guide]] * [[admin:security:start|IT Security Guide for admins]] * [[metadata|Metadata]] * [[https://www.whistleblower.org/whistleblower-guides|Government Accountability Project whistleblower guides]] * [[https://ussanews.com/News1/featured-op-eds/a-complete-guide-to-being-a-whistleblower/|A Complete Guide to Being a Whistleblower – USSA News]] * The Intercept * [[https://theintercept.com/2015/11/12/edward-snowden-explains-how-to-reclaim-your-privacy/|Edward Snowden Explains How To Reclaim Your Privacy]] * [[https://theintercept.com/2014/10/28/smuggling-snowden-secrets/|Ed Snowden Taught Me To Smuggle Secrets Past Incredible Danger. Now I Teach You.]] * [[https://theintercept.com/2017/02/20/how-to-run-a-rogue-government-twitter-account-with-an-anonymous-email-address-and-a-burner-phone/|How to Run a Rogue Government Twitter Account With an Anonymous Email Address and a Burner Phone]]