====== [matrix] ====== Matrix.org is a chat protocol. ===== Clients ===== ===== Rooms ===== See also: [[https://matrixrooms.info/|MatrixRooms.info]], [[https://view.matrix.org/|Matrix-Static Room List]] ^ Room name / join link ^ Description | | #aww:tilde.fun | cute pictures, mainly of animals | | #gaming:tilde.fun | Video games | | #linux:tilde.fun | chat about the FOSS Linux Kernel and software in its orbit | | #linuxgaming:maunium.net | Video games on the GNU/Linux+systemd operating platform | | #memes:tilde.fun | funny pictures, some might call them "memes" | | #off-topic:feneas.org | nerds talk about stuff they think is interesting | | [[https://matrix.to/#/!bEDCVipdjtcNSSgFOK:matrix.org?via=the-apothecary.club|#politics:the-apothecary.club]] | heated discussion and arguments about world politics | ===== Public servers ===== There's a segment in the This Week In Matrix section of the Matrix.org blog called [[https://matrix.org/blog/category/this-week-in-matrix#dept-of-ping-|Dept. of Ping]] which lists a few fast homeservers you might want to consider. They may not have open registration though. A few good ones with open registration follow: ^ name ^ run by ^ more information | | [[https://fairydust.space|fairydust.space]] | fredl, MacLemon | TOR-friendly, claims to be privacy-minded | | [[https://diasp.in/|diasp.in]] | [[https://pirates.org.in/|Indian Pirates]], [[https://www.hamaralinux.org/|Hamara Linux]] | | | [[https://tchncs.de/|Tchncs]] | Milan | one-person tech collective | | [[https://apothecary.club|apothecary.club]] | run by Kája+2 | hosted on Hetzner.de services, has a handful of mods | You can find a list of more homeservers here: [[https://wiki.asra.gr/en:public_servers|wiki.asra.gr/en:public_servers]] Home servers you probably **MAY NOT** want to consider are listed here with three green letters: [[https://glowers.club/wiki/doku.php?id=wiki:homeservers|Glowers Club recommended homeservers]] – Glowers Club is a shitposting community annoying other people, spamming and promoting offensive content and harboring incels and edgelords without any sense of decency. This is for example documented on their [[https://glowers.club/wiki/doku.php?id=enemies|enemies]] page. ===== Issues with [matrix] ===== ==== security breaches ==== There was a [[https://matrix.org/blog/2019/04/11/we-have-discovered-and-addressed-a-security-breach-updated-2019-04-12/|security breach in April 2019]]. An attacker gained access to the [matrix] installation at matrix.org. Later the Matrix.org team hired security consultants and published a [[https://matrix.org/blog/2019/05/08/post-mortem-and-remediations-for-apr-11-security-incident/|blog article about the remediation of the issues found by said consultants]]. ==== privacy ==== Max Dor found out that [[https://gitlab.com/libremonde-org/papers/research/privacy-matrix.org|there were some GDPR and privacy issues]] with Matrix. ==== Messages not decryptable ==== * how this works: [[https://blog.neko.dev/posts/unable-to-decrypt-matrix.html|Unable to Decrypt a Message on Matrix]] (blog.neko.dev, 2022-05-15) * meta-issue for messages not decrypting after joining a room: [[https://github.com/vector-im/element-meta/issues/749]]