====== Grand Theft Auto V ====== * [[https://lutris.net/games/grand-theft-auto-v/|Lutris page for GTA 5]] ===== Tricks ===== * You can survive a lot of fall damage with Trevor's special skill when you explode yourself down the building. * You can skip the lengthy car unlock animation when shooting a window first. * If you go to first person when running up/down stairs, you'll be 3 times as fast. * Duplicate a car: half-get out of a vehicle in a garage, switch characters, switch back ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SNLkem3688&t=15s|#4 @15s]]) * Swapping your guns reloads them. (Taken from: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=O8cWKW7Rfws&list=PLAnJ4ZuTYaeG7BJ_1CnpvkifZ81dlCAjP|GTA V facts you don't know – DarkViperAU]]) ===== Troubleshooting ===== If your game says "ready" but the spinner's still turning, try deleting any ''.part'' files that you find in your GTAV directory and relaunch. If you receive ''Failed: zlib call'' verify your game files. ==== Verify game files ==== add ''-verify'' to the ''GTAVLauncher.exe'' shortcut.