====== Code editors ====== see also: [[ide|IDEs]] ===== mini-IDEs ===== Editors with some functionalities of IDEs (plugins, syntax checkers, linters, etc.), but still not full blown development environments where you don't have to leave the program to do everything you need to do in coding. * Geany * [[https://www.spacemacs.org/|spacemacs]] – community driven emacs distribution. * [[https://graviton.netlify.app/|Graviton]] – Web and desktop editor. * [[http://uvviewsoft.com/cudatext/|CudaText]] – Sublime Text alternative written in Lazarus. * [[http://bluefish.openoffice.nl|Bluefish]] – mini-IDE tailored to [[:dev:web|web development]] needs. * vim (CLI) * [[https://limetext.github.io/|Lime Text]] – Sublime alternative written in [[:dev:golang|Go]], sadly seems abandoned. * [[https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.brackeys.ui/|Brackeys]] – mini-IDE for [[:admin:android:|Android]]. ===== pure editors ===== * Notepadqq – Open Source Notepad++ alternative. * nano / pico * [[https://micro-editor.github.io/|micro]] * [[https://github.com/rxi/lite|lite]] * [[https://4coder.net/|4coder]] – modern text editor based loosely on Emacs. The primary goal of 4coder is to maximize the power and ease of customization. * mcedit – part of midnight commander (mc), has a menu. * [[https://lite-xl.com/en/|Lite XL]] – Lua based, performant editor based on Lite. ===== elsewhere ===== * [[http://texteditors.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EditorIndex|Texteditors.org list]] – lots of proprietary, free and Free editors. ===== coding style ===== * [[https://editorconfig.org/|EditorConfig]]