====== Scareware ====== **DIESE SOFTWARE IST BETRÜGERISCH UND SOLLTE AUF KEINEN FALL INSTALLIERT WERDEN!**[(größtenteils [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rogue_security_software|aus der englischen Wikipedia]] kopiert)] * Windows Anti Breaking System * Advanced PasswordManager – gibt an, dass man angeblich in 5 Datenlecks auftaucht und das Programm unbedingt kaufen muss, um geschützt zu sein. Natürlich ist ein [[:de:guide:passwords|Passwort]]manager sinnvoll, aber dazu sollte man doch lieber [[:de:guide:keepassxc|KeePassXC]] nutzen ;) * ANG Antivirus a * AntiVermins * Antivirus 360 - Clone of MS Antivirus. * Antivirus 2008, 2009 * Antivirus 2010 - Clone of MS Antivirus. Also known as Anti-virus-1[8], * AntiVirus Gold or AntivirusGT - Developed by ICommerce Solutions. Mimics the name of AVG Antivirus. * Antivirus Master * Antivirus Pro 2009, 2010, 2017, 2018 * Antivirus System PRO * Antivirus XP 2008, 2010 * AV Antivirus Suite * AVG Antivirus 2011 - Imitates AVG Antivirus and it is not affiliated with the legitimate AVG. Now discontinued. * AV Security Essentials * AV Security Suite * Awola * BestsellerAntivirus, Browser Defender * ByteDefender also known as ByteDefender Security 2010 - Fälschung der legitimen [[malware|AV-Software]] BitDefender. * Cleanator * CleanThis * Cloud Protection * Control Center * Cyber Security, Core Security * Data Protection * Defru * Desktop Security 2017 * Disc Antivirus Professional * Disk Doctor * Doctor Antivirus * Dr Guard * DriveCleaner * EasySpywareCleaner, EasyFix Tools * Eco AntiVirus * Errorsafe, Error Expert * E-Set Antivirus 2011 - Also known as ESet Antivirus 2011. exploits name ESET (should not be confused with the legitimate app of the same name) * Essential Cleaner * Flu Shot 4 - Vermutlich die erste Software, die sich fälschlicherweise als Antivirus-Software ausgibt. * Green Antivirus 2009 * Hard Drive Diagnostic * HDD Fix * HDD Plus * HDD Rescue * Home Security Solutions * IEDefender * InfeStop * Internet Antivirus, InstallShield (aka Internet Antivirus Pro, distributed by plus4scan.com) * Internet Antivirus 2011 * Internet Defender 2011 * Internet Security 2010, 2011, 2012, Internet Security Essentials, Internet Security Guard * Live PC Care * Live Security Platinum, Live Security Suite * Mac Defender * Mac Protector * MacSweeper * MalwareAlarm * MalwareCore * MalwareCrush (Auch Malware Crusher) * Malware Defense * Malware Protection Center * Memory Fixer * MS AntiSpyware 2009 - Exploits the name of the legitimate Microsoft Antispyware, now Windows Defender. Discontinued. * MS Antivirus - Also known as Microsoft Anti Malware Mimics the name of Microsoft Antivirus or Microsoft Security Essentials. * MS Removal Tool * Microsoft Security Essentials - Masquerades as the legitimate program. Now discontinued. * My Security Engine * My Security Shield * My Security Wall * MxOne Antivirus * Netcom3 Cleaner * Paladin Antivirus * PAL Spyware Remover * PC Antispy * PC Clean Pro * PC Privacy Cleaner * PC Optimizer Pro [88] * PCPrivacy Tools * Perfect Defender 2009, Perfect Optimizer * PersonalAntiSpy Free * Personal Antivirus * Personal Internet Security 2011 * Personal Security * Personal Shield Pro * PC Antispyware * PC Defender Antivirus * PCKeeper * Privacy Center * SAntivirus * Security Shield * Security Solution 2011 * Security Suite Platinum * Security Tool, Security Toolbar 7.1 * Security Essentials 2010 (not to be confused with Microsoft Security Essentials) * Smartpcfixer * Segurazo * SpyBouncer * SpyContra * SpyControl * SpyCrush * SpyEraser * SpyGuarder * SpyHeal (auch SpyHeals oder VirusHeal) * Spylocked * SpyMarshal * SpyOfficer * SpyRid * SpySheriff (a.k.a. PestTrap, BraveSentry, SpyTrooper) * SpySpotter * Spyware B1aster - Exploits the name of Javacool's SpywareBlaster and no trial version locatable online. * Spyware Cleaner * SpywareGuard 2008 - Mimics the name of SpywareGuard by Javacool Software[124] * SpywareNo - Clone of SpySheriff. * Spyware Protect 2009 * SpywareQuake * SpywareSheriff - Confused clone of SpySheriff. * SpywareStop - Previous version was SpywareBot. * Spyware Stormer, Spyware X-terminator * SpywareStrike * Spyware Striker Pro * SpyWiper * Super AV * SysGuard * Sysinternals Antivirus * System Antivirus 2008 * Terminexor [84] Rogue clone of Spybot Search & Destroy and violates software's privacy policy or end user license agreement. * TheSpyBot - Spybot - Search & Destroy knockoff * ThinkPoint * Total Secure 2009 * Total Secure 2009 * Total Win 7 Security * Total Win Vista Security * Total Win XP Security * UltimateCleaner * Ultra Defragger * VirusHeat * VirusIsolator * Virus Locker * VirusMelt * VirusProtectPro (a.k.a. AntiVirGear) * Vista Antivirus 2008 * Vista Home Security 2011 * Vista Internet Security 2012 * Vista Security 2011 * Vista Security 2012 * Vista Smart Security 2010 * VirusBurst * VirusBursters * VirusGuard * Volcano Security Suite * Win7 Antispyware 2011 * Win Antispyware Center * Win 7 Home Security 2011 * WinAntiVirus Pro 2006 * WinFixer * Win HDD * WinHound * Winwebsec * Windows Police Pro * Winpc Antivirus * Winpc Defender - Imitates Windows Defender. Now discontinued. * WinSpywareProtect * WinWeb Security 2008 * Wireshark Antivirus * WorldAntiSpy * Wolfram Antivirus * XP AntiMalware * XP AntiSpyware 2009, 2010, 2012 * XP Antivirus 2010, 2012 * XP Antivirus Pro 2010 * XP Defender Pro * XP Home Security 2011 * XP Internet Security 2010 * Your PC Protector * Total Antivirus 2020