//[[:de:admin:windows:|German version 🇩🇪]]// ====== Microsoft Windows ====== * [[wsl|Linux subsystem for Windows]] – ironically abbreviated "WSL", the Linux subsystem runs Linux-compatible programs with a customised Linux Kernel (starting from WSL2) or API translation on Windows. * [[env|Environment Variables]] * [[share|Windows Shares]] – share files over the network * [[smb|SMB]] – network file sharing protocol ===== useful links ===== * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10/|Windows 10 resources and documentation for IT Pros]] (Microsoft.com) ===== Pro tips ===== * [[https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/clipboard-in-windows-11-c436501e-985d-1c8d-97ea-fe46ddf338c6#WindowsVersion=Windows_10|Windows + V opens the clipboard history]] (alternative to programs like [[https://ditto-cp.sourceforge.io/|Ditto]]) ===== Tools ===== * [[https://psappdeploytoolkit.com/|PSAppDeployToolkit]] – The PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit provides a set of functions to perform common application deployment tasks and to interact with the user during a deployment.