====== SyncThing ====== [[https://syncthing.net/|Homepage]] ===== Autostart ===== ==== systemd ==== //siehe auch: [[https://docs.syncthing.net/users/autostart.html#how-to-set-up-a-user-service|Syncthing Docs – How to set up a user service]]// systemctl --user enable syncthing.service systemctl --user start syncthing.service ===== Firewall ===== https://docs.syncthing.net/users/firewall.html ==== ufw ==== [syncthing] title=Syncthing description=Syncthing file synchronisation ports=22000/tcp|21027/udp [syncthing-gui] title=Syncthing-GUI description=Syncthing web gui ports=8384/tcp ufw app update syncthing ufw app update syncthing-gui ===== Troubleshooting ===== ==== systemd user service doesn't work when ecryptfs is enabled for home directory ==== Add the following to your user service file (''systemctl edit --user --full syncthing''): RequiresMountsFor=/home/your_user_name ==== I added a device but it doesn't show a notification! ==== Possibly your devices still have to discover each other. - wait a few (~5) minutes - restart syncthing on both ends - rinse and repeat, it will work eventually You can circumvent this by hardcoding (selfhosted) discovery servers and relays.